Sunday, October 11, 2015

Hello to all our readers and followers,

This blog will be continued from the blog on the website

Thank you for your interest and readership.

An Additional blog has been made for our Umbanda group in particular.

It is Tenda Espirita Mirim 8th affiliate.

The blog is currently at:

Thank you I hope to communicate with you soon!


Olá a todos os nossos leitores e seguidores,

Este blog vai ser continuada a partir do blog no site

Obrigado pelo seu interesse e leitores.

Um blogue adicionais tem sido feito para o nosso grupo Umbanda em particular.

É Tenda Espírita Mirim oitava filial.

O blog está atualmente em:

Obrigado Espero que para se comunicar com você em breve!


Monday, September 1, 2014

“How many ills, how many infirmities, does man owe to his excesses, his ambition – in a word, to the indulgence of his various passions! He who should live soberly in all respects, who should never run into excesses of any kind, who should be always simple in his tastes, modest in his desires, would escape a large proportion of the tribulations of human life. It is the same with regard to spirit-life, the sufferings of which are always the consequence of the manner in which a spirit has lived upon the earth. In that life undoubtedly he will no longer suffer from gout or rheumatism; but his wrong-doing down here will cause him to experience other sufferings no less painful. We have seen that those sufferings are the result of the links which exist between a spirit and matter; that the more completely he is freed from the influence of matter – in other words, the more dematerialized he is – the fewer are the painful sensations experienced by him. It depends, therefore, on each of us to free ourselves from the influence of matter by our action in this present life. Man possesses free-will, and, consequently, the power of electing to do or not to do. Let him conquer his animal passions; let him rid himself of hatred, envy, jealousy, pride; let him throw off the yoke of selfishness; let him purify his soul by cultivating noble sentiments; let him do good; let him attach to the things of this world only the degree of importance which they deserve – and he will, even under his present corporeal envelope, have effected his purification, and achieved his deliverance from the influence of matter, which will cease for him on his quitting that envelope. For such a one the remembrance of physical sufferings endured by him in the life he has quitted has nothing painful, and produces no disagreeable impression, because they affected his body only, and left no trace in his soul. He is happy to be relieved from them; and the calmness of a good conscience exempts him from all moral suffering.” 
- Allan Kardec  The Spirit's Book

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Ialorixá Ana de Xangô will be in the Ashland/Bend area and in Portland/Astoria at the end of March. 

Mãe Ana de Xangô will be available for spiritual consultations, spiritual massage, and cowry shell oracle readings on the following dates:

March 26: Astoria   
March 28th and 29th: Ashland/Bend
March 31st: Portland 

If you are interested in booking a time with Mãe Ana de Xangô please contact me, Anastasia, by phone at (561) 603-1133 or by e-mail

If there are any other people who we have not met but that you believe would be interested and benefit from meeting with and/or working with Mãe Ana de Xangô then please pass my information to them. Feel free to spread the word! 

We are looking forward to seeing all of you again and continuing the good work. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Ana Maria Joslyn, January 28-February 2, 2014

Tuesday, January 28
Wednesday, January 29*
Thursday  January 30
Friday Evening January 31
Private Sessions are $125.00 and last 1 hour.  Call or e-mail  Pamela Christensen to schedule 503-791-8833,
825 SE Mill, Portland OR (VFW HALL)
Friday, January 31       9-12 am                                   Suggested Donation   $90.00
Friday, January 31       1:30-4:30 pm                           Suggested Donation    $90.00
Saturday, February 1   9-12 and 1:00 – 4:00 pm        Suggested Donation    $180.00
Entire Workshop – Suggested Donation $350.00

825 SE Mill, Portland, OR (VFW Hall)        
Open to all.
Time to be determined… Most likely NOON – 5:00 pm
Suggested donation $50.00

Please RSVP as soon as possible, it will assist us greatly in our planning.

Pamela Christensen     503-791-8833

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Do you want to learn what is Umbanda? 
What are the Orixás?
 How do you communicate with your Orixá?    
How can we communicate more clearly with our spiritual guides? 
How can you tell what are your own thoughts 
and what are the instructions from your spiritual guide?  
How do I strengthen and expand the process of mediumship?  
What is the nature of the relationship of the spiritual guide and the medium?  
How can a conscious or semi -conscious medium 
let their guide work without getting in the way?  
How can I discern what is positive and negative energy?  
How can you protect yourself  from negativity?  
How can you cleanse yourself of negative energy?